Advantages Of Reserves

Main benefits or advantages of creating reserves can be expressed as follows:

1. To Improve The Financial Position

Main purpose of creating reserve is to recover the future contingencies of the business. It helps to improve the financial position of business organization.

2. To Expand Business

Reserve helps to expand business activities by providing fund and resource. So, it is a major source of internal financing. 

3. To Overcome Future Loss

One of the main benefits of creating reserve is to meet future losses and liabilities. It also helps to meet future needs of the business.

4. To Distribute Dividend

Reserve helps to distribute dividend uniformly to the shareholders over the years. It increases the goodwill of the firm.
5. To Maintain Working Capital

Reserve helps to maintain adequate working capital in the business. It provides needed amount at the time of emergency and shortage.

6. To Replace Assets

Reserve fund can be used to replace obsolete and useless assets with  the new one. So, it eases  in smooth operation of business activities.