Advantages Of Diminishing Balance Method Of Depreciation

Main benefits or advantages of diminishing balance or reducing balance method of provision of depreciation can be expressed as follows: 

1. Simplicity

Diminishing balance method of providing depreciation is very simple technique. It does not require special knowledge to calculate depreciation. It is so simple that anyone can understand easily.

2. Scientific 

Diminishing balance method is systematic and scientific method of providing depreciation. Depreciation amount gradually decreases with the potential and efficiency of the asset.

3. Tax Benefit

Reducing balance or diminishing balance method is acceptable by tax authorities. So, it provides tax benefit to the company. 

4. Suitable For Large Scale Business

This method of depreciation is suitable for large scaled business large and complex technology with large machines and equipment                           

5. Reduce The Impact Of Obsolescence 

In diminishing balance method, higher amount of depreciation is deducted in initial years. So, it helps to reduce the impact of obsolescence of assets. 

6. Suitable For Valuable Assets

This method is very suitable and applicable for valuable assets like land and building, machines and equipment having long life.