Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sinking Fund

Merits Or Advantages Of Sinking Fund

The main advantages of maintaining sinking fund can be pointed out as follows:

1. Replacement Of Asset

Sinking fund helps the company to replace its fixed assets by providing adequate fund.

2. Redemption Of Bond

It provides fund to redeem preference share, bond and other forms of long-term loans.

3. Improve Goodwill And Faith

It helps to maintain goodwill and faith of the company and also helps to maintain future credibility.

4. Encourage Investment

It encourages the investors to invest in the firm because of its goodwill, faith and credibility.

5. Financial Stability

Sinking fund promotes financial stability of the business firm.

Demerits Or Disadvantages Of Sinking Fund

Some of the major drawbacks or disadvantages of sinking fund can be pointed out as follows:

1. Reduction In Profit

It reduces the profit to be distributed as dividend.

2. Complexity

It is very complex to maintain sinking fund accounts.

3. Difficulty

Although sinking fund provides fund for the replacement of old assets, it is very difficult to estimate the required amount for new assets/