Advantages Of Single Entry System

Main benefits or advantages of single entry system of book keeping can be expressed as follows:

1. Simple And Easy Method Of Recording Transaction

Single entry system does not need any special accounting knowledge and personnel to record financial transaction of the business. It can be maintained easily by the business owner. So, this system of book-keeping is simple to maintain and easy to practice.

2. Economical

This is another benefit of single entry system. It is a less costly system of recording business transactions compared to double entry system. It is economical because of  limited number of transactions and limited number of books (only personal account and cash account).
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3. Suitable For Small Business

Double entry system is very expensive and time consuming because of large numbers transactions and various books of accounts. So, small firms with limited financial transactions prefer single entry system of book keeping.

4. Time Saving 

Single entry system is less time consuming because of limited numbers of books and less number of business transactions.

5. Easy To Determine Profit Or Loss

It is very easy to ascertain profit or loss of the business under single entry system of book keeping. Profit or loss can be obtained by comparing the ending balance with the beginning of the business for the specific accounting period.