Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

 Benefits Or Advantages Of Job Enlargement

The main advantages of job enlargement can be studied as follows:

1. Proper Utilization Of Human Resources

Because of enlarged tasks and responsibilities employees can use their skills and abilities (both mental and physical) more efficiently. So, job enlargement ensures better utilization of human resources in the organization.

2. Minimization Of Boredom

In job enlargement, roles and responsibility are added to the existing job level. Increased duties and tasks helps to reduce monotony, boredom and fatigue among the employees.

3. Employee Motivation

Additional responsibilities and variety of activities help workers to improve their skills, knowledge, talents and experience . It motivates them for better performance.

4. Learning And Growing Opportunity

Variety of tasks provide learning opportunity to the employees. It is very helpful in personal growth and career development.

5. Responsible And Accountable

Because of the expansion of job, employees become more responsible and accountable. It also helps to maintain proper discipline in the organization.

6. Job Satisfaction

Job enlargement minimizes boredom, ensures proper utilization employees' talent and knowledge, increases motivation and provides learning opportunity, it helps to increase job satisfaction among the workers. Job satisfaction leads to increase in productivity and profitability of the firm.

7. Less Operation Cost

It provides additional jobs to the existing employees. So, more tasks can be completed by suing less manpower. It helps to reduce operational costs in the organization.

8. Suitable For

Job enlargement is suitable for unskilled and semiskilled workers to boost their performance.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

The main disadvantages of job enlargement can be described as follows"

1. Workload 

Job enlargement increases workload but level of responsibility remains the same which may create frustration among employees.

2. Lower Efficiency And Quality

Job enlargement does not encourage specialization and division of labor. It only increases jobs and roles. Because of less specialization and overload of tasks, workers' efficiency and quality of output may decrease.

advantages disadvantages job enlargement

3. Lower Productivity

It takes time to handle more tasks and to adjust with new system. So, it may reduce productivity for a short period of time.


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4. More Training And Development Costs

Because of increased tasks, it may require more training and development programs to enhance employees' performance. So, it is a costly method of job design.

5. Additional Pay

Workers may argue for additional pay for enlarged jobs. It may create misunderstanding and conflict between employees and management.

6. Not Suitable For

It is a horizontal enlargement of tasks which does not provide additional authority and responsibility.. So, job enlargement is not suitable for skilled and specialist manpower.