Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment

 Benefits Or Advantages Of Job Enrichment

The main advantages of job enrichment can be explained as follows:

1. Provides Learning Opportunity

Job enrichment is a vertical expansion of tasks and duties that increases the responsibility and authority to existing employees. It helps them to learn managerial skills and knowledge.

2. Reduce Monotony And Boredom

It adds duties and responsibilities to workers that helps them to divert their mind from day-to-day routine tasks. It helps to minimize monotony and boredom.

3. Less Burden To The Management

In job enrichment, jobs of to management are shared with middle and lower lever employees. So it reduces the workload of managers and they can give time for other important organizational activities.

4. Employee Motivation And Satisfaction

It enhances employees' skill, provides learning opportunity and helps to gain new experience. So, employees are motivated to improve their performance. Employee motivation leads to job satisfaction.

5. Increased Productivity

Motivation, better working environment and job satisfaction helps to boost employees performance. Increase in performance leads to increase in productivity and profitability of the organization.

6. Lower Rate Of Employee Turnover

Motivated and satisfied employees become loyal and do not want to leave the company. So, job enrichment lowers the rate of employee turnover.

7. Suitable For

Job enrichment is suitable for semi-skilled and skilled manpower. They can learn managerial skills and can develop decision making power.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment

The main disadvantages of job enrichment can be explained as follows:

1. It Increases Workload

Although job enrichment reduces the burden of to level management by sharing jobs with other employees, it increases the workload of lower level managers and subordinates. Employees may face difficulties to perform more tasks in limited time.

2. Costly Affair

It requires special skill and knowledge to perform increased jobs because jobs are expanded vertically. So, the organization needs extra cost and effort to conduct training programs and other development activities. 

3. More Supervision And Control

Normal employees have to perform challenging tasks. So, more monitoring and supervision and control is needed. 

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Rotation

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

Advantages Of Job Satisfaction

4. Not Possible For All Jobs

Job enrichment is not possible for some jobs that require special knowledge and skills. For example, normal worker cannot perform the job technicians and machinery works.

advantages disadvantages job enrichment

5. Poor Performance

Because of workload and lack of skill, employees face difficulties to handle given task properly. It may decrease their performance which leads to decrease in productivity.

6. Not Suitable For

Job enrichment is not suitable for unskilled employees because they cannot perform challenging jobs due to the lack of education and skills.

Pros And Cons Of Job Enrichment In Short


- It reduces the work burden of top level management

- It helps employees to enhance their skills and gain knowledge

- It reduces boredom, monotony and absenteeism 

- It improves employees motivation and leads to job satisfaction

- It improves the productivity of the firm

- It helps to create good environment in the workplace


- It increases the work load of lower level employees

- Employees' performance may be decreased because of overburden

- It requires more training, supervision and monitoring costs

- It is not suitable for all kinds of jobs