Advantages And Disadvantages Of Individual Incentives

Individual incentives are financial or non-financial rewards given to individual workers on the basis of performance standards like quantity, quality, attendance etc. 

Advantages Or Benefits Of Individual Incentives

1. Helps To Inspire Employees

Individual incentives motivate the employees to do their best and inspires them to learn from top performers.

2. Increased Productivity

Employees are motivated to exceed the given target. It helps to increase productivity.

3. Job Satisfaction

Individual incentives help to achieve higher level of job satisfaction among employees.

4. Cost Minimization

It helps to increase employees performance which leads to decrease idle time and increase productivity. Increased productivity helps to reduce production costs.

5. Low Staff Turnover

It helps to retain top performing employees in the organization. It results in low employee turnover.

6. Healthy Competition

It creates healthy competition among the employees at the workplace. 
advantages disadvantages individual incentives
7. Clarity

Individual incentives can be structured and applied easily. It is easy to determine outcomes and tracking employees performance.

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Disadvantages Or Drawbacks Of Individual Incentives

1. Lack Of Team

It inspires individual employees for better performance. So, it lacks team work at the work station. 

2. Decreased Quality

Employees may be motivated to increase output and focus on the quantity only. It may reduce the quality of the product.

3. High Employee Turnover

Individual incentive plan discourages low performing employees. So, they may decide to leave the organization which results in high employee turnover.

4. Chance Of Conflict

There will be a chance of conflict between employees' individual goals and organizational goals which leads to mistrust between management and employees.