Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internal Rate Of Return

Advantages Of Internal Rate Of Return (IRR)

Main benefits or advantages of internal rate of return (IRR) method of evaluating investment proposals can be expressed as follows:

1. Use Of Time Value Of Money

One of the main advantages of IRR is that, it considers time value or future earning capacity of money. Therefore it is a scientific method of capital budgeting.

2. Rate Of Return

Internal rate of return (IRR) method determines exact rate of return of the capital project.

3. Easy To Make Decision

It is easy to select appropriate investment alternative with the help of IRR technique. The project with higher IRR will be selected and others will be ignored.

4. Importance To Cashflow

IRR method treats equally to the cashflows of every years.

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5. Focus On Profitability

IRR selects most profitable project only. So, it is beneficial to the shareholders and the owners.

6. No Cost Of Capital

Cost of capital is not required while calculating IRR.

advantages disadvantages IRR

Disadvantages Of Internal Rate Of Return (IRR)

Main drawbacks or disadvantages of IRR can be expressed as follows:

1. Complexity

It is difficult to calculate and understand IRR method of capital budgeting. Trial and error method makes it more complicated.

2. Different Result

Results of NPV and IRR may not be matched because of size and life of the projects. Results also may differ due to the timings of cashflows also.

3. Unsuitable

IRR is not suitable for the comparison of mutually exclusive projects.