Advantages Of Internal Recruitment

Main benefits or advantages of internal sources and methods can be expressed as follows:

1. Easy And Quick Process

Internal recruitment method is easy and quicker process of hiring employees in the organization. It requires less paper work and less time to recruit the candidate. So, it is a simple and mostly used method of hiring people.

2. Cheaper Method

This is another benefit of internal recruitment. This method avoids advertisement costs and agency fees for hiring employees from outside. So, it is a cheaper process of hiring or selecting employees.
advantage internal recruitment
3. Increased Employee Morale

It helps to maintain high employee morale in the organization because there is a room for reward, promotion and advancement for better performance.

4. Good Labor Relation

It provides opportunity for advancement and progress to the employees. So, it helps to establish better labor relation between management and workers.

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5. Better Performance

Internal recruitment helps to motivate employees by rewarding their hard work. So, it helps to boost their performance for better output. 

6. Less Risky

Internal recruitment process minimizes the risk of hiring unsuitable and wrong candidate from outside the organization.