Advantages And Disadvantages Of External Recruitment

Advantages Of External Recruitment

Main benefits or advantages of external recruitment method and sources can be expressed as follows:

1. Highly Qualified Candidates

External recruitment increases the chance of finding highly skilled, experienced and qualified personnel because of the large pool of applicants.

2. Wider Choice

It provides wider choice to find a suitable staff because of the large number of candidates. A company can select most talented and capable candidate for its vacant position.

3. Arrival Of Fresh Talent

External recruitment encourages to bring fresh talents with new skills and creative ideas for better performance of the job.

4. Better Competition

Recruiting from outside helps to face the competition because of the capability and risk taking ability of the candidate.

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5. Improved Diversity

It hires the people of different race, religion, gender, age etc on the basis of their skills and capabilities. So, it helps to improve diversity requirements.

6. Less Training And Development Cost

Recruiting from outside minimizes the training and development costs because it hires well trained and experienced candidates according to the requirement of the job.

Disadvantages Of External Recruitment

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of external recruitment method and sources can be highlighted as follows:

1. Expensive Process

External recruitment is a costly process of hiring employees. A lot of money is required for vacancy announcement (advertisement), shortlisting, conducting interview and for final selection.

2. Time Consuming

It is time consuming and lengthy process to recruit staff from outside the company. Various steps such as advertising, applications processing, shortlisting, interview, and selection should be performed to complete external recruitment. 

3. Poor Employee Morale

It may decrease the morale of current employees because of highly qualified new candidates which leads to decrease in performance, productivity and quality. 
advantages disadvantages of external recruitment
4. Adaptability Problem

It requires longer adjustment period for new candidates. They may have to face several challenges to adopt themselves in the new environment.

5. Risky

External recruitment is riskier than recruiting from inside the organization because of little information and unknown nature of fresh candidate. 

Pros And Cons Of External Recruitment In Short

- It increases the chance of finding skilled and qualified employees
- It encourages fresh talent
- It minimizes training and development costs
- It helps to enhance diversity
- New ideas and skills of new personnel can increase organizational efficiency

- It is costly and time consuming
- It may discourage existing employees in the organization
- There may be a adaptability problem for fresh employees