Advantages Of Job Evaluation

Main benefits or advantages of job evaluation can be studied as follows:

1. Rating Of Jobs

Job evaluation helps to determine the worth or value of different types of jobs in the organization. So, it is a scientific technique to rate the jobs according to their importance and nature.

2. Rational Wage Structure

Job evaluation helps to develop sound wage policy in the organization. It helps to establish rational wage policy according to the nature and value of the jobs. 

3. Specialization

Job evaluation promotes division of labor and specialization by defining the job in terms of nature and complexity.

4. Harmonious Relationship

Job evaluation helps to establish harmonious relationship between manager and employees by eliminating wages controversies. It also helps to maintain good labor relation in the organization.

5. Training And Development

Job evaluation helps the management to identify the training and development needs of different jobs by ranking them according to their importance.
advantages job evaluation

6. Cost Minimization

Job evaluation helps to reduce labor turnover rate by fixing proper pay structure and by maintaining good labor relation. It helps to improve production rate which minimizes the cost of production. 

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7. High Employee Morale

Proper placement, uniform pay structure and job classification is possible because of job evaluation. It helps to motivate and maintain high employee morale in the organization.