Advantages And Disadvantages Of Off The Job Training

What Is Off The Job Training ?

Off the job training is conducted outside the company or workplace. In this method, trainees learn through lectures, case studies, conferences, demonstration, modeling, computer, role play etc. 

Benefits Or Advantages Of Off The Job Training

The main advantages of off the job training can be described as follows:

1. Effective Method

Off the job training is well organized and conducted by experts and specialists which makes the training program more effective.

2. High Productivity

It is conducted out side the organization or workstation and trainees are not involved in the production process. Only trained and skilled workers are placed at the work place. So, productivity will be higher.

3. Minimize Errors

Under this method, newly appointed employees are trained outside the production area and skilled and trained manpower perform the job. So, it lowers the production errors.
advantages and disadvantages of off the job training
4. Economical

In this method, a large number of employees can be participated and orientation can be provided at a time. It helps to reduce training costs. So, it is a cost effective method.

5. No Disturbance 

Trainees are not allowed to work in the actual work place. So, production process will not be disturbed and existing employees can do their jobs smoothly.

Disadvantages Or Drawbacks Of Off The Job Training

Some of the major drawbacks of off the job training are as follows:

1. More Expensive

This method of training may be very expensive due to extra space, accommodation and transportation costs and experts' fees etc.

2. Less Effective

Off the job training is less effective than on the job training method because it is conducted outside the working environment. Employees need extra induction training to handle their job.

3. Dissatisfaction

Training is conducted artificially outside the work place. So, employees cannot learn properly in this training method. Dissatisfaction may arise among the employees.

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4. No Production

Trainees cannot take part in the production process. So, potential output and time is lost in this method of training.