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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Horizontal Communication

What Is Horizontal Communication ?

Lateral or horizontal communication is a type of communication which is established between different departments, units or people in the organization with the same rank or hierarchical level. Messages and information are exchanged or transmitted among the people at the same level or position in the organization.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Horizontal Communication

The main advantages if horizontal communication can be expressed as follows:

1. Direct Interaction

Horizontal communication facilitates direct interaction between different departments and people which increases coordination and sense of cooperation in the organization.

2. Decrease Misunderstanding

As we know that horizontal communication facilitates free flow of information and messages between people and departments in the organization. So, it helps to clear doubts and decrease misunderstandings and conflict in the workstation.

3. Better Environment

This communication allows direct interaction and promotes the sense of cooperation and harmony in the organization. Therefore, it helps to make better working environment in the firm

4. Increased Efficiency

Horizontal communication helps to maintain harmonious relation between people, departments and units in the organization. Good relationship between departments and employees helps to improve work efficiency and productivity of the firm.

5. High Morale

Employees can share their feelings and ideas with other members in the workplace. It may helps to increase morale, motivation and job satisfaction.

advantage disadvantage horizontal communication

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Horizontal Communication

The main disadvantages of horizontal communication can be expressed as follows:

1. Possibility Of Conflict

This communication may create conflict and distrust between employees and departments which negatively affects the operational activities in the organization.

2. Less Control

Another disadvantages of horizontal communication is that it will be difficult for the top management to control subordinates because of too much intercommunication. Therefore, it becomes difficult to maintain proper discipline in the organization.


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Upward Communication

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downward Communication

3. Waste Of Time

Because of the lack of control, employees may waste their time in gossiping which may hamper their efficiency and performance in the work. It may reduce productivity and profitability of the firm.

Pros And Cons Of Horizontal Communication In short


-  It helps to reduce misunderstanding and facilitates coordination

- It increases employees' morale and motivation

- It helps to increase efficiency and performance

- It creates favorable working environment

- It promotes team spirit and group effort


- It is difficult to control and maintain discipline in the organization

- There is a possibility of interdepartmental conflict 

- Managers may discourage this type of communication

- It ignores vertical communication

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downward Communication

What Is Downward Communication ?

It is just opposite of upward communication (where message flows from lower to top level of management). Downward communication is a type of communication process in which information, messages, orders and instructions are flow or transmitted vertically down from top management to bottom by following proper chain of command (From top management to middle level management to lower level management to subordinates) in the organization. This communication is helpful in maintaining better chain of command and discipline in the company.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Downward Communication

The main advantages of downward communication can be highlighted as follows:

1. Easy To Assign Duties And Responsibilities

In downward communication, instructions and messages directly comes from the top authority which is helpful to assign jobs and delegate authority and responsibility to different levels of management.

2. Maintenance Of Better Discipline

Another advantage of downward communication is that it follows strict chain of command in the workstation and all members should follow the instructions and orders received from top management. So, it helps to maintain proper discipline in the organization.

3. Increased Efficiency

Subordinates get clear instructions, suggestions and guidance from higher management. It helps to increase efficiency and performance at work which helps to achieve organizational goals effectively.

4. Avoids By-passing

As we know that upward communication system suffers from the problem of by-passing of hierarchy due to the lack of proper chain of command. But downward communication minimizes this risk because there is formal chain of command in the organization.

5. Effective Process

Management can clearly explain organizational goals, policies and procedures more clearly through downward communication. Instructions and orders can be issued more effectively than other forms of communication methods. Therefore, it is more effective process of communication while comparing to others.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Downward Communication

The main disadvantages of downward communication can be described as follows:

1. It Lacks Flexibility

Downward communication is a one way process in which information flows from top to bottom only. Employees cannot give suggestions and share their ideas with upper level managers. Therefore, this process lacks flexibility.

2. Time Consuming Process

Another drawback of downward communication is that it is time consuming process. Information, messages, orders and instructions pass through different levels of management before reaching to the subordinates. Therefore, operational activities may be hampered because of the delay in transmission of information. 


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Horizontal Communication

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Upward Communication

3. Low Morale And Motivation

Because of its directive nature, it discourages employee participation and dos not allow them to provide suggestions and views to the management. It may create frustration, decrease motivation and morale of the subordinates.

advantages and disadvantages of downward communication

Pros And Cons Of Downward Communication In Short


- It ensures proper delegation of authority, responsibilities and assignment of jobs

- It improves efficiency and boosts employee performance

- It discourages by-passing of hierarchy in the organization

- It gives clear explanation of plans and procedures of the company

- Management can monitor and control employees' activities

- Better discipline can be maintained because of better supervision and control.


- It is a time consuming process

- It does not promote subordinate participation in the decision making process

- There is a chance of employee frustration, decreased morale and motivation

- There is no flexibility in this process of communication

- It lacks employees enthusiasm

- There may be a possibility of distortion of message because of long transmission process

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Upward Communication

What Is Upward Communication ?

It is a type of communication in  which information or message flows vertically from lower level subordinates to upper level management. Upward communication encourages lower level employees to provide suggestions and ideas so the top management can make proper plan and sound decisions. It is most commonly used in modern organizations because it overcomes the limitations of traditional  communication system.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Upward Communication

The main advantages of upward communication process can be described as follows:

1. Better Relations Between Superiors And Subordinates

In upward communication, subordinates are allowed to share their feeling, problems and opinions with superiors. It helps to build trust and sense of harmony between management and employees . So, this communication process helps to make good superior subordinate relations in the organization.

2. High Employee Morale

Another advantages of upward communication is that it helps to increase motivation and morale of subordinates because it encourages the subordinates to give suggestions and views to the management. It  promotes employee participation which makes them feel valued. Therefore, it improves motivation , morale and job satisfaction.

3. Better Decision Making

Top level management get important data and information from lower level management and subordinates through this communication process. So, it helps the management to make sound and perfect decisions.

4. Formulation Of Plans And Policies

As we know that top management collects useful data, information, suggestions and ideas from lower level management and subordinates through upward communication. These information are very helpful to develop future plans and policies of the company.

5. Better Working Environment

Because of two way communication and employee participation and better superior subordinate relation, it creates better working environment in the organization. Good working environment increases efficiency and performance of the employees which helps to increase productivity as well as profitability of the organization.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Upward Communication

Some of the notable disadvantages of upward communication process can be described as follows:

1. Possibility Of Manipulation Of Data

Subordinates may manipulate data and provide edited information to hide their mistakes. In this situation top management get wrong information which may lead to wrong decisions.

2. Discouragement

Sometimes subordinates may not get positive response from their superiors. It may discourage them and they may loss confidence.

advantages and disadvantages of upward communication

3. Fear Of Negative Reaction

Some autocratic or traditional types of leaders do not want to take suggestions and ideas from their subordinates. In this situation, employees may not want to communicate with their managers because of the fear of negative reaction.


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downward Communication

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Horizontal Communication

4. Difficult To Maintain Discipline

Another disadvantage of upward communication is that it is very difficult to maintain better supervision and discipline. Because of the open communication, more freedom to subordinates and friendly behavior of managers, it may be difficult to maintain proper chain of command and discipline in the organization.

5. Slow Movement

In this communication system, information flows slowly from lower level to upper level of management. Therefore, it may not be suitable for the top management to make quick decisions at the time of emergency.

Pros And Cons Of Upward Communication In Short


- It provides valuable information and suggestions to the management.

- It helps to make good management-subordinate relationship

- It is useful for the development of plans and policies

- It increases employees' motivation and morale

- It helps to create good working environment

- It facilitates sound decision making

- It promotes sense of cooperation and harmony in the workstation


- There is very slow movement of information

- Subordinates may manipulate the actual data and provide false information to the management

- There may be a lack of proper discipline in the organization

- Managers may neglect subordinates' suggestions and opinions

- Employees may hesitate to communicate with their bosses because of the fear of negative response

- Subordinates may by-pass their immediate superiors

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Laissez Faire Leadership

 What Is Laissez Faire Leadership Style ?

It is just opposite of authoritarian leadership style (where authority and power is exercised by the leader only). In laissez faire leadership style, authority is delegated to the employees and they are free to set goals and make decisions. Superiors trust their subordinates and do not interfere in their works. It encourages the employees to explore their knowledge , skills and capabilities in the organization.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Laissez Faire Leadership

The main advantages of laissez faire leadership style can be pointed out as follows:

1. Delegation Of Authority

One of the main benefits of laissez faire leadership is that authority and power is delegated to the members in the organization. Delegation of authority promotes specialization which helps to improve the performance and efficiency in the workplace.

2. Increased Motivation And Job Satisfaction

This leadership style provides opportunity for the subordinates to explore their skills and abilities. It also helps to increase creativity and develop decision making power. Therefore, employees are positively motivated which leads to increase in the job satisfaction.

3. Quick Decisions

As we know that subordinates have the authority to set their goals and make decisions to achieve those goals, it facilitates prompt decisions because they do not need to consult with their leaders to make any decision.

4. Proper Use Of Employees Potential

Another advantage of this leadership is that in ensures maximum utilization employees' potential in the workplace. Potentiality (skills, abilities, capabilities and creativity) of the subordinates are utilized properly which helps to obtain better output.

5. Development And Growth

Due to the limited role of the leader, subordinates have the opportunity to shine their skills, knowledge and performance. It is helpful in personal growth and career development.

6. Promotes Innovation

In this system, subordinates may find out shortcut methods and techniques to solve the problems. So, laissez faire leadership promotes innovations and new ideas in the organization.

7. Lower Employee Turnover

Because of positive motivation, possibility of growth and development, learning opportunity and better working environment, morale of the employees is increased. Increased morale and motivation decreases the rate of staff turnover.

advantages and disadvantages of laissez faire leadership

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Laissez Faire Leadership Style

The main disadvantages of laissez faire leadership can be pointed out as follows:

1. Not Suitable

This management system works properly if there are highly educated, skilled and specialist subordinates in the organization. It is not suitable for unskilled and inexperienced members because they cannot perform their tasks without proper guidance and supervision.


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Democratic Leadership

2. It Lacks Privacy

All the internal matters of the organization are shared with the employees because of the openness of this leadership style. So, confidential matters may be leaked by the subordinates. Therefore, it is almost impossible to maintain secrecy and privacy. 

3. Lacks Supervision And Control

Another notable disadvantages of laissez faire leadership is that it lacks proper supervision, monitoring and controlling because of the freedom given to the employees. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain discipline which may reduce the performance and the output.

4. Lack Of Accountability

Because of the lack of clearly defined roles and responsibilities of superiors and subordinates, it may create confusion and misunderstanding in the organization. It will be difficult for the top level management to decide whom to make responsible and accountable.

5. Weakens  Leader's Role

Laissez faire leadership dilutes the role of leaders. Therefore, leaders cannot guide and instruct his/her subordinates properly. Also employee may ignore their superiors because of their weak position.

Pros And Cons Of Laissez Faire Leadership In Short


- It encourages decentralization and specialization

- It increases the morale of the subordinates

- It facilitates personal growth and development opportunity

- It is very suitable for competent employees

- It encourages creativity and innovation

- It facilitates quick decisions


- Because of the lack of secrecy, official matters may be leaked

- It dilutes the roles and importance of managers

- This system does not suits for unskilled, incompetent and inexperience subordinates

- There is a possibility of misunderstanding, confusion and conflict if the roles are not defined properly

- It lacks proper discipline in the workplace

- It lacks proper supervision and monitoring

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Teamwork

What Is Team Work ?

When two or more people work together to complete a specific task or to achieve a common goal is called teamwork. It is known as the  collaborative effort of a group of people to perform a task. In simple words, team work can be defined as an activity of working together to obtain certain objective. It helps to simplify the complex tasks and reduces the workload, that helps to minimize errors and mistakes and increases the productivity.

Benefits Or Advantages Of Teamwork

The main advantages of teamwork can be explained as follows:

1. Teamwork Reduces Workload

The main benefit of teamwork is that it simplifies complex and difficult tasks and divides among the members according to their skills and capabilities. So, difficult tasks can be performed easily when there is a team. In this way, teamwork helps to reduce the workload of an individual with the means of division of labor and specialization.

2. Teamwork Increases Productivity

Suppose an individual can complete a task in 10 hours. But if it is performed by 5 people, it can be completed within 2 hours. It means more tasks can be completed if we work in a team. So, it helps to perform more tasks which leads to improve the productivity of the company.

3. Teamwork Provides Learning Opportunity

A team is a combination of different talents, different skills, different experience, different culture and different backgrounds. So, interaction among the members provides opportunity to learn new skills and gain knowledge which is very useful in personal growth and career development.

4. Better Quality Of Output

Another notable advantage of teamwork is that it ensures better quality of output. Because of division of work and specialization, minimization of errors, mistakes and wastage is possible. S, it helps to increase the quality of output. 

5. It Increases Employee Motivation And Morale

Teamwork decreases the workload which reduces the  burden and stress. It also provides learning opportunity that increases the skills and abilities. So, it helps to improve employee morale and motivation which leads to job satisfaction.

6. Teamwork Increases Interpersonal Skill

It promotes coordination and sense of commitment in the organization. Better coordination helps to improve communication and interpersonal skill of the employees.

7. It Encourages Innovation

Because of different minds and abilities, new idea and better solutions can be discovered to overcome the obstacles. So, teamwork promotes innovation.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Teamwork

The main disadvantages of teamwork can be expressed as follows:

1. Teamwork Lengthens Decision Making Process

One of the main drawbacks of teamwork is that it takes more time to make decisions. It requires the agreement of all members to make any decision. So, quick decision is not possible at the time of emergency.

2. High Chance Of Conflict

There exists a chance of conflict and misunderstanding between the team members. Conflict among the employees decreases the efficiency, disturbs the working environment and hampers the smooth flow of operation.

3. May Create Challenge To The Management

It may become difficult for the management assign tasks properly to the team, to handle conflict effectively and to evaluate employees' performance fairly.

advantages disadvantages teamwork

4. Demoralization Of Team

Possibility of demoralization is another disadvantage of teamwork. Unequal distribution of work, unequal participation in the job, difference in the interests and opinions of members and presence of conflict and misunderstanding may lead to demoralization.

5. Possibility Of Factionalism

Disputes and misunderstanding between the team members leads to factionalism in the workplace. Factionalism creates conflict which negatively affects the performance and productivity of the organization. 

Pros And Cons Of Teamwork In Short


- It simplifies large and complex tasks into small pieces of works which helps to decrease the workload and burden of  team members . 

- It helps to improve productivity and quality of output.

- It increases interpersonal skills, motivation, morale and job satisfaction

- It provides learning opportunity to the members which helps to improve their skills and abilities.

- Because of higher motivation and job satisfaction, it helps to lower employee turnover rate.


- There is a possibility of conflict and misunderstanding among the members and factionalism in the workstation.

-  It takes long time and effort to make decision

- It may be difficult for the management to maintain better discipline in the workplace.

- There will be a chance of personality clash among the team members.