Disadvantages Of Free Trade

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of free trade can be highlighted as follows:

1. Economic Dependency

Because of free trade, economic dependency with foreign countries is encouraged which negatively affects the self-sufficiency of the country.

2. Unfavorable Effects On Domestic Industries

Free trade hampers the development of local industries because they cannot compete with large foreign industries. It effects the industrialization policy of the state.

3. Exhaustion Of Resources

Because of free trade policy, large quantity of natural resources ( in the form of raw materials) are exported without barrier. So, it exhausts the resources of developing countries.

            disadvantages of free trade

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4. Import Of Harmful Products

There is high chance of import of harmful products in the country because of barrier free trade policy.

5. Unequal Distribution Of Gain

Free trade does not promote equal distribution of trade gain among the countries. 

Advantages Of Free Trade

Main benefits or advantages of free trade can be highlighted as follows:

1. Higher Efficiency

Under free trade, domestic firms have to compete with large foreign producers. So, domestic companies try to increase their efficiency by effectively utilizing the resources.

2. Promotes Specialization

Under free trade, every countries try to produce goods as per their comparative advantage. So, it promotes specialization and division of labor to earn higher return.

3. Reasonable Price

Due to free competition, free trade facilitates wide range of quality products at lower and reasonable price.
advantages of free trade
4. Gain Of Technology

Free trade helps to gain latest technology and modern machinery from foreign countries. It helps in the industrial development of the state.

5. Gain Of Capital

Huge amount of capital can be attracted in the country because of barrier free trade. It helps the economic development of the country.

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6. Employment Opportunities

Free trade brings capital and technology to promote industrialization in the country. Industrialization creates employment opportunity.

7. Market Expansion

Free trade helps to expand the size of production and market because domestic products can be easily sold in the international market without any barrier.

8. Restrict Market Exploitation

It restricts market exploitation and monopoly of domestic companies.

Disadvantages Of Protectionism

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of trade protectionism can be expressed as follows:

1. High Price For Low Quality

Because of trade protectionism, domestic producers can raise the price of their products and services without maintaining the quality. Due to the lack of competition, produces focus only on profit rather than quality.

2. Limited Choice To The Consumers

Barrier in trade restricts foreign products which limits the range of goods and services in the market. So, consumers have to be satisfied with with limited number products and services.
disadvantages of protectionism
3. Idleness In Domestic Industries

In the absence of free competition, domestic industries may become idle. They may not try to improve quality, technology and management as per the requirement and consumers' choice.

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4. Situation Of Monopoly

There will be a high chance of monopoly in the market because of protectionism.

5. Inefficient Resource Allocation

Trade protectionism discourages specialization and innovation. It results in inefficient allocation of resources.

Disadvantages Of Indirect Taxes

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of indirect taxes are as follows:

1. Unfair/Regressive

Both rich and poor people have to pay same amount of tax because taxes are included in the price of the products and services. So, poor people have to may more amount of their income as tax. So, indirect taxes are regressive and unfair in nature.

2. No Civic-consciousness 

Tax payer does not feel the burden of taxes as they are wrapped in the purchase price. So, it lacks civic-consciousness. 

3. Restrict Free Trade

Free trade may be restricted due to high export and import duties.

Higher tax rate increases the price of the products which may lead to inflation.

5. Harmful To Industries

Cost of production will be high if raw materials and machinery are highly taxed. It reduces the competitive capacity of industries.

6. Burden For Poor People

Indirect taxes reduce the saving capacity of poor people. So, these taxes are not suitable for households and low-income groups.

Advantages Of Indirect Taxes

Major benefits or advantages of indirect taxes can be pointed as follows:

1. Convenient To Pay

Indirect taxes are imposed while purchasing goods or services. Taxes are already added in the price of the product. So, the 'Pre-coated' tax makes convenience to both the tax payer and the administration.

2. Broad Based

Since tax is wrapped up in the price of goods and services they are imposed on all people (i.e rich, poor, young, old etc.). So, indirect taxes have wider scope than direct taxes.

3. Economical

These taxes are easy to collect. It takes less effort, less time and less cost to collect tax. So, indirect taxes are economical in nature.
advantages indirect taxes

4. Flexibility

Indirect taxes are more flexible than direct taxes. Tax rates can be easily changed by the authority as per the nation's requirement.

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5. No Tax Evasion

As we know that taxes are included in the purchase price of the product, there is no chance of tax evasion.

6. Limits Harmful Consumption

Harmful products such as tobacco, alcohol and intoxicants are heavily taxed by the state. It helps to limit the consumption of such products.

Disadvantages Of Direct Taxes

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of direct tax can be pointed out as follows:

1. Chance Of Evasion

There is high chance of tax evasion. It is very easy for the people to evade tax by submitting false income report. Corrupted administration also plays significant role in tax evasion.

2. Inconvenience

It is inconvenient for the taxpayer to follow different process and filling different forms to pay tax. It is also inconvenient to make proper record of payment.

3. Discourage Investment

Higher tax rate reduce the saving capacity of the people. Low saving affects investment capacity. So, direct taxes adversely affect the capital formation.

              disadvantages direct taxes

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4. Reduce Motivation

High tax rate demotivates people to work hard and make more money. It hampers their ability and effectiveness at work.

5. Discourage Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are discouraged to commence business because of direct taxes. It negatively impacts nation's business environment. 

Advantages Of Direct Taxes

Merits or advantages of direct tax can be expressed as follows:

1. Simple To Estimate

One notable advantage of direct tax is its simplicity. Direct taxes are very simple to estimate and easy to understand. Tax amount can be calculated without any complication.

2. Ensures Fairness

Fairness is another benefit of direct taxes. Higher tax rate is imposed for high income groups and lower for lower income people. So, it ensures fairness, equality and justice according to the level of income.

3. Transparency/Certainty

Direct taxes are transparent in nature. Both tax payers and receivers (government authority) are certain about the rate and amount of tax to be paid.
advantages direct taxes

       Also Read: 

4. Less Costly

Generally taxes are collected at the source which saves both time and money. So, direct taxes are economical in nature.

5. Elastic 

Tax rates can be increased or decreased by the government as per the need of the country. So, direct taxes are elastic in nature.

6. Revenue For Government

Direct tax is a major source of government revenue. It is highly productive and very important for economic development. 

Disadvantages Of Index Number

Major limitations or disadvantages of index number can be expressed as follows:

1. Lack Of Accuracy

Index number lacks accuracy because it represents only the rough indication of relative changes in variables (i.e. price and quantity).

2. Difficult To Select Base Year

In this method, variables of current year are compared with the variables of base year. But it is very difficult to choose suitable base year while constructing index number.

3. Nor Suitable For Long Period

Index number is not suitable to compare the changes over long period of time.

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4. Limited Use

Index numbers are constructed for the specific time and for certain objectives. They cannot be used for other purposes.
disadvantages index number
5. Difficult To Select Price

It is difficult to select price (wholesale price or retail price) while preparing index number.

6. No International Comparison

Because of different bases, different variables, it is not possible for international comparison.

Advantages Of Index Number

Main advantages or uses of index number can be highlighted as follows:

1. Measurement Of Relative Changes

Index number helps to measure the quantitative changes in variables by comparing the data of current year with the data of base year.

2. Measurement Of Price Level Change

Under this method, the price of current period can be compared with the price of past period. It helps to know the changes in price level and value of money.

3. Measurement Of Inflation Rate

Index number helps to know the inflation rate by measuring price level and value of money between two periods.

4. Measurement Of Changes In Standard Of Living

It helps to measure standard of living by comparing cost of living and price level. So, the living standard of people can be known.

5. Wage Policy Formulation

Index number helps to determine wages and allowance of employees. Adjustment in  wages and salaries are made according to the cost of living.

advantages index number

6. Useful In  Decision Making

Index number is very useful in planning and decision making process of the business firm.

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7. Useful In Foreign Trade

It is used to compare imports and exports of two different periods. So, it provides key information about the volume of foreign trade.

Disadvantages Of Division of Labor

Main drawbacks or disadvantages of division of labor can be expressed as follows:

1. Monotony Of Work

Repetition of same kind of work everyday may lose their interest and create monotony. It leads to decrease in efficiency and quality of work. Therefore, monotony of work is one of the major drawbacks of division of labor.

2. Interdependence

There is interdependence between different departments, different units, different workers groups and different companies. If any one of them do not operate properly, the whole production process will be disturbed.

3. Reduce Worker Mobility

In division of labor, one one type of task is given to each worker. So, it reduces workers mobility.

Division of labor increases the risk of over production because of increased efficiency. Over production may lead to depression.

5. Unemployment Problem

Due to the lack of mobility, workers cannot develop new skills and ideas to do different type of job. They can only perform certain part of the job. So, it will be difficult for them to find other types job in the future.

Advantages Of Division Of Labor

Main benefits or advantages of division of labor can be expressed as follows:

1. Right Man For Right Job

Division of labor follows the principle of 'Right man for right job'. Appropriate job is given to the workers according to their skills and ability that helps to improve employees' performance that leads to increase in the productivity of the firm.

2. Higher Productivity

Workers are employed in right place as per their capacity. Skilled and capable workers can perform their job efficiently without wasting the time and effort. Specialization minimizes errors in the production process. It leads to higher productivity.

3. Skill Enhancement

Workers can enhance their skills because of the repetition of same kind of work everyday. So, division of work makes the workers perfect in their job.

4. Less Training Period

Because of specialization, workers do not need to learn the whole task. They can learn only a part of the job which is related to them. So, it saves time and effort while conducting training program.
advantages division of labor
5. Invention

By doing the same task again and again, talent workers may discover the simple and easy process to perform the job. So, division of labor may lead to invention.

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6. Low Cost Of Production

Division of labor ensures higher productivity because of efficient use of human and other resources. Increased production leads to lower cost of production per unit. 

7. Increase Goodwill

Because of large scale production, cost of production can be minimized. So, customers get high quality products at lower price. It helps to increase goodwill and image of the firm.

Disadvantages Of Market Economy

Main drawbacks or disadvantages of market economy can be highlighted as follows:

1. Wealth Disparity

One of the major drawbacks of market economy is unequal distribution of wealth. It widens the gap between wealthy and poor individuals. Rich people become more wealthier and poor become more poorer.

2. Distorted Investment

Producers invest their capital only in profitable sectors. So, factors of production are not employed adequately in public sectors like education, health, transportation etc. 
disadvantages market economy
3. Workers Exploitation

In market economy, workers are highly exploited by the producers. Bad working condition, no safety measures, long working hours and less wage payment are the major problems of workers.

4. Economic Instability

Because of the lack of control, regulation and supervision, market economy may create uncertainty and instability in the whole economy of the country.

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5. Poor Quality Goods

Main motive of market economy is profit maximization. So, producers can make low quality products to earn more profit.

6. Monopoly

Large producers can dominate the market by eliminating the rival companies. It may create monopoly in the market.

Advantages Of Market Economy

Main advantages or benefits of market economy can be highlighted as follows:

1. Increase Business Efficiency

There will be a competition among producers to produce high quality products at lower cost. So, latest technology and modern methods of production are introduced. Therefore, market economy helps to increase business efficiency.

2. Promotes Innovation

It is another notable benefit of market economy. It promotes innovation because producers wants to create new products in order to gain high profit.

3. Consumer Sovereignty

In market economy, products are produced according to the need and demand of the consumers. So, it gives emphasis on consumer sovereignty. 

4. Proper Use Of Economic Resources

Economic resources are properly utilized so that maximum profit can be obtained and wastage can be minimized.

5. Foreign Investment

Market economy helps to bring foreign investment in the country which helps in industrial and economic development of the nation.

                advantages market economy

         Also Read: 

6. Freedom Of Choice

Consumers are free to choose and consume the products or services according to their needs, choice and income. Large variety of products are available for all types of people.

7. Fare Competition

It encourages free and fare competition among the producers. 

Disadvantages Of Branch Banking

Major limitations or disadvantages of branch banking system can be highlighted as follows:

1. Chance Of Mismanagement

Because of large size, various branches, large number of employees and large scale operation there may be a lack of strict supervision, effective communication and proper controlling in branch banking system. So, there is a high chance of mismanagement in this type of banking.

2. Long Decision Making Process

In branch banking system, branch managers have very limited power. They have to consult with the head office to make any decision. So, decision making process is very long as compared to unit banking.

3. No Prompt Action

Prompt action cannot be taken because of delayed decision.

Branch banking requires high operating and overhead expenses because of large size, different branches and large number of employees.

5. Lack Of Initiative

Branches have limited powers and they cannot take decisions independently without consulting the head office. So, this type of banking system may lack initiative.

Advantages Of Branch Banking

Major advantages or benefits of branch banking can be studied as follows:

1. Large Size

Branch banks are large in size and they are spread all over the country. So, they gain the benefits of large scale operation.

2. Adequate Capital

Branch banks have much more capital than unit banks. So, they never suffer from the limitations of inadequacy of capital.

3. Less Costly

These banks have effective management, sufficient resources and proper system which reduce the cost of operation.

4. Adequate Deposit And Investment

They can collect huge amount of deposit from the public which leads to greater investment capacity.

5. Increase Public Confidence

Services provided by branch banks are far better than the services of unit banking system. It helps to build public confidence and trust.

6. Risk-Spreading Capacity

In branch banking system, losses of one branch can be recovered by the profit of other branches.
advantages branch banking
7. Employment Opportunity

Branch banks require more human resources to operate in different departments, sections and branches. So, it creates employment opportunity in the country.

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8. Goodwill And Image

Proper and convenience service provided by branch bank helps to maintain goodwill and image of the organization.

9. Efficient Management

Management is very effective and efficient because of specialization, division of labor and highly qualified managers and staffs.

Disadvantages Of Unit Banking

Major disadvantages or drawbacks of unit banking system can be highlighted as follows:

1. Lack Of Solvency

Due to small scale operation, it has less capital than branch bank. So, there is a lack of solvency in unit banking.

2. Lack Of Specialization

Unit bank cannot hire skilled, qualified and specialized employee because of limited capital. So, it lacks specialization.
disadvantages unit banking
3. No Division Of Labor

Unit bank cannot practice division of labor in the workplace because of small size and limited capital.

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4. Lack Of Fund Mobility

Unit banking lacks mobility of fund because of limited area and localized operation.

5. Local Pressure

Unit banks have to face local pressure and disturbance. So, it is very difficult of offer banking service in certain locality only.

6. Less Profit

Unit banks have less profit because of the lack of branch, limited area of operation, less deposit and less investment opportunities. 

Advantages Of Unit Banking

Major advantages or merits of unit banking system can be highlighted as follows:

1. Efficient Management

In unit banking, all services are offered from a single office. Because of small scale operation, supervision, coordination, coordination and controlling is very easy. So, it can be managed efficiently and effectively than branch banking.

2. Less Irregularities And Fraud

Because of effective supervision and effective controlling system, there is less risk if irregularities and fraud under this banking system.

3. Prompt Decision

Bank manager can make any decision without consulting others. So, prompt decision is possible in unit banking. Quick decision helps to act quickly.

4. Low Overhead Cost

Because of small scale operation and less number of employees, Operational and overhead costs are lower than branch banking system.

5. Less Risk

Unit banking is less riskier than branch banking system because of small amount of capital.

Unit banks collect deposits from local people and utilize for the development of the same area. So, these banks play important role in the development of the society.

7. No Competition

Unit bank is free from competition because it is located at a certain area where other banks do not exist.

8. Direct Customer-Banker Relation

It is easy for the management to establish direct contact and relation with customers and other related parties because of small scale operation.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bank Regulation

Benefits/Merits/ Advantages Of Bank Regulation

Main advantages or benefits of banking regulations are as follows:

1. To Build Confidence

Bank regulation helps to build public confidence and create trust in the banking system of the country.

2. Safety

Banking regulation ensures the safety of public savings in the bank. It is essential to protect public deposit.

3. Credit Control

Credit control is another important advantage of banking regulation. It prevents excess credit creation by controlling loans and investments.

4. Fairness

Bank regulation ensures fairness in financial services to all the customers without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion etc. 

5. Implementation Of Policy

It helps to implement government's policy properly to assist the economic policy of the nation.

advantages disadvantages bank regulation

Drawbacks/Demerits/ Disadvantages Of Bank Regulation

Major drawbacks or disadvantages of banking regulation are as follows:

1. Less Profit

Unnecessary control and heavy regulation may restrict banks to perform their tasks freely. So, banks cannot earn adequate profit.

2. Failure

Banking regulation may control unnecessary banking activities but it cannot prevent bank failure.

3. Costly And Time Consuming

Bank regulation is very costly and time consuming process.

Disadvantages Of Multinational Company

Main disadvantages or drawbacks of multinational company can be highlighted as follows:

1. Complex Legal Requirements

Multinational companies need to follow complex legal requirements and strict laws of host country. So, it is very difficult to establish and operate business in foreign countries.

2. Loss Of Sovereignty 

Multinational companies tries to influence internal politics and they disregard national policy and priorities of the host country. This may negatively impact sovereignty of the host country.

3. Threat To Local Industries

Multinational companies may dominate local industries by increasing unfair competition and by establishing monopoly in the local market of host country.
disadvantage multinational company

4. Transfer Of Capital

These companies bring large amount of money to the host country. It may create negative impact in the economy of home country.

5. Labor Exploitation

Multinational companies offer low wages to the employees of host countries in order to increase profit. So, exploitation of labor is a major drawback of these companies.

Advantages Of Multinational Company

Main advantages of merits of multinational company can be highlighted as follows:

1. Foreign Direct Investment

Multinational companies bring foreign currency in the form of foreign direct investment to the host country. So, it helps to maintain the adequate stock of foreign currency to the developing countries.

2. Employment Opportunity

Multinational companies create large employment opportunities in the host countries. It helps to minimize the unemployment rate of the country.

3. Arrival Of New Technology

Multinational companies bring new skill, latest technology and modern machinery from the home country to the host country in order to operate the business. It helps industrial development of the country.
advantages multinational company
4. Resource Utilization

Multinational companies utilize unused local resources ( like water, land, forest, mines etc.) by using their skills and technology.

5. Increase Government Revenue

These companies pay more tax than local companies. So, multinational companies help to increase government revenue.

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6. Improve Balance Of Payment

Multinational companies help the host countries by promoting exports and decreasing imports. So, it helps to improve balance of payment of the country.

7. Overall Development

MNCs bring capital and technology from home countries, create employment opportunities, improve balance of payment of the host country. So, these companies are very helpful in overall development of the country.