Advantages Of Job Satisfaction

The major benefits or advantages of job satisfaction can be highlighted as follows:

1. Promotes Employee Motivation

The main advantage of job satisfaction is that it creates positive feeling towards jobs. It minimizes stress and anxiety which encourages employees to perform better. So, there is direct relation between job satisfaction and employee motivation. It means satisfied employees are always motivated to perform their tasks properly and efficiently.

2. Lowers Employee Absenteeism

Employee absenteeism is very serious concern for many organizations. Stress, harassment in the workplace, lack of motivation are major causes of absenteeism. Job satisfaction helps to eliminate it by inspiring employees and by creating proper working environment .

3. Helps To Increase Production

Because of motivation and better working condition employees can boost their performance. Better performance leads to increase in the productivity of the firm.

4. Minimizes Supervision Cost

Satisfied and dedicated employees become loyal towards the organization. They are self motivated and try to do their best to achieve the goals of the organization. There is a less chance of fraud and mistake in the operational activities. So, more supervision and monitoring is not required and supervision costs can be reduced.

5. Promotes Employee Retention

Skilled, experience and loyal employees are valuable assets for the company. If they are not properly behaved they can leave the organization at any time. But job satisfaction helps to minimize employee turnover  and encourages retention by providing better working environment and by fulfilling their required needs and expectations. Therefore, employee retention is another notable advantage of job satisfaction.

6. Minimizes Re-hiring Cost

As we know that job satisfaction promotes employee retention, it helps to reduce recruitment and re-hiring costs related to advertisement , recruitment , interview, selection etc. It saves both cost and effort of the management.

advantages of job satisfaction

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment 

7. Increases Customer Satisfaction

Job satisfaction helps the employees to develop positive attitude, to become dedicated and loyal. They can provide better service to the customers. They properly address clients' concern that helps to increase customer satisfaction. It also helps retain existing customers and attract new ones. 

8. Helps To Increase Profit

Another advantage of job satisfaction is that it increases the profitability of the firm We know that job satisfaction increases productivity , increased in production reduces the cost of production. Decreased in the cost of production leads to increase in the profit of the firm. 

Importance Or Merits Of Job Satisfaction In Short

- It helps to increase productivity and profitability of the firm

- It increases motivation and morale of the employees which helps to  lower labor turnover rate

- It discourages unionization 

- It helps to increase customer loyalty

- It decreases recruitment (re-hiring) costs as well as supervision costs

- It helps to create better working environment in the organization

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment

 Benefits Or Advantages Of Job Enrichment

The main advantages of job enrichment can be explained as follows:

1. Provides Learning Opportunity

Job enrichment is a vertical expansion of tasks and duties that increases the responsibility and authority to existing employees. It helps them to learn managerial skills and knowledge.

2. Reduce Monotony And Boredom

It adds duties and responsibilities to workers that helps them to divert their mind from day-to-day routine tasks. It helps to minimize monotony and boredom.

3. Less Burden To The Management

In job enrichment, jobs of to management are shared with middle and lower lever employees. So it reduces the workload of managers and they can give time for other important organizational activities.

4. Employee Motivation And Satisfaction

It enhances employees' skill, provides learning opportunity and helps to gain new experience. So, employees are motivated to improve their performance. Employee motivation leads to job satisfaction.

5. Increased Productivity

Motivation, better working environment and job satisfaction helps to boost employees performance. Increase in performance leads to increase in productivity and profitability of the organization.

6. Lower Rate Of Employee Turnover

Motivated and satisfied employees become loyal and do not want to leave the company. So, job enrichment lowers the rate of employee turnover.

7. Suitable For

Job enrichment is suitable for semi-skilled and skilled manpower. They can learn managerial skills and can develop decision making power.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment

The main disadvantages of job enrichment can be explained as follows:

1. It Increases Workload

Although job enrichment reduces the burden of to level management by sharing jobs with other employees, it increases the workload of lower level managers and subordinates. Employees may face difficulties to perform more tasks in limited time.

2. Costly Affair

It requires special skill and knowledge to perform increased jobs because jobs are expanded vertically. So, the organization needs extra cost and effort to conduct training programs and other development activities. 

3. More Supervision And Control

Normal employees have to perform challenging tasks. So, more monitoring and supervision and control is needed. 

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Rotation

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

Advantages Of Job Satisfaction

4. Not Possible For All Jobs

Job enrichment is not possible for some jobs that require special knowledge and skills. For example, normal worker cannot perform the job technicians and machinery works.

advantages disadvantages job enrichment

5. Poor Performance

Because of workload and lack of skill, employees face difficulties to handle given task properly. It may decrease their performance which leads to decrease in productivity.

6. Not Suitable For

Job enrichment is not suitable for unskilled employees because they cannot perform challenging jobs due to the lack of education and skills.

Pros And Cons Of Job Enrichment In Short


- It reduces the work burden of top level management

- It helps employees to enhance their skills and gain knowledge

- It reduces boredom, monotony and absenteeism 

- It improves employees motivation and leads to job satisfaction

- It improves the productivity of the firm

- It helps to create good environment in the workplace


- It increases the work load of lower level employees

- Employees' performance may be decreased because of overburden

- It requires more training, supervision and monitoring costs

- It is not suitable for all kinds of jobs

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

 Benefits Or Advantages Of Job Enlargement

The main advantages of job enlargement can be studied as follows:

1. Proper Utilization Of Human Resources

Because of enlarged tasks and responsibilities employees can use their skills and abilities (both mental and physical) more efficiently. So, job enlargement ensures better utilization of human resources in the organization.

2. Minimization Of Boredom

In job enlargement, roles and responsibility are added to the existing job level. Increased duties and tasks helps to reduce monotony, boredom and fatigue among the employees.

3. Employee Motivation

Additional responsibilities and variety of activities help workers to improve their skills, knowledge, talents and experience . It motivates them for better performance.

4. Learning And Growing Opportunity

Variety of tasks provide learning opportunity to the employees. It is very helpful in personal growth and career development.

5. Responsible And Accountable

Because of the expansion of job, employees become more responsible and accountable. It also helps to maintain proper discipline in the organization.

6. Job Satisfaction

Job enlargement minimizes boredom, ensures proper utilization employees' talent and knowledge, increases motivation and provides learning opportunity, it helps to increase job satisfaction among the workers. Job satisfaction leads to increase in productivity and profitability of the firm.

7. Less Operation Cost

It provides additional jobs to the existing employees. So, more tasks can be completed by suing less manpower. It helps to reduce operational costs in the organization.

8. Suitable For

Job enlargement is suitable for unskilled and semiskilled workers to boost their performance.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement

The main disadvantages of job enlargement can be described as follows"

1. Workload 

Job enlargement increases workload but level of responsibility remains the same which may create frustration among employees.

2. Lower Efficiency And Quality

Job enlargement does not encourage specialization and division of labor. It only increases jobs and roles. Because of less specialization and overload of tasks, workers' efficiency and quality of output may decrease.

advantages disadvantages job enlargement

3. Lower Productivity

It takes time to handle more tasks and to adjust with new system. So, it may reduce productivity for a short period of time.


       Also Read: 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Enrichment

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Rotation

Advantages Of Job Satisfaction

4. More Training And Development Costs

Because of increased tasks, it may require more training and development programs to enhance employees' performance. So, it is a costly method of job design.

5. Additional Pay

Workers may argue for additional pay for enlarged jobs. It may create misunderstanding and conflict between employees and management.

6. Not Suitable For

It is a horizontal enlargement of tasks which does not provide additional authority and responsibility.. So, job enlargement is not suitable for skilled and specialist manpower. 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Rotation

Benefits Or Advantages Of Job Rotation 
The main advantages of job rotation can be described as follows: 

1. Elimination Of Monotony And Boredom

Employees may become bored, fatigue and monotonous by doing same job for a long period of time. Job rotation provides new job, new challenge and new environment that helps to reduce boredom, monotony and fatigue.

2. Career Development Opportunity

Job rotation encourages the employees to enhance their skills, knowledge and capacity. Employees can gain work experience by performing different types of jobs. It helps them to handle different tasks, deal with different people and cope with different situations. Broaden skills and work experience are very important for career development.

3. Identification Of Strength And Weakness

It explores skills, talents, interests, and attitudes of employees. It helps the management to identify the strength and weak side of the employees. So, duties and responsibilities can be allocated as per their talent and capacity.

4. Employee Motivation

Job rotation minimizes boredom, provides opportunity to explore hidden talent, helps to increase skills and experience to the employees.It increases employee motivation and that leads to jobs satisfaction and lowers the rate of employee turnover. 

5. Avoids Fraudulent

Because of job rotation strategy, employee cannot stick with the particular job for long period. So, he/she cannot take advantage of loopholes and practice fraud activities.

6. Handle Grievance

It follows the principle of 'Right man in the right place'. So, it tries to find out the talents and skills of the employees by rotating them between different jobs. Finally tasks are given according to their capability. It creates proper working environment, reduces boredom and motivates employees to perform better. So, it is an important tool to handle employee grievance.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Job Rotation

The main disadvantages of job rotation can be described as follows:

1. More Time, Effort And Cost

Rotating employees from one job to another requires different resources. It consumes time, labor and extra cost to practice this strategy. So, it is costly as well as more time and effort consuming program. 

2. Decreased Productivity

Shifting of workers from one job to another may create adjustment issues. It may interrupt the smooth working environment in the organization. It  reduces production efficiency and may result in decrease in productivity that leads to decrease in the profitability of the company.
advantages disadvantages job rotation
3. Not Suitable For All

Some jobs requires highly skilled and experienced employees to perform properly. Less skilled and inexperience staffs cannot perform the tasks of experts and specialists. So, job rotation is not suitable for all types of jobs.

     Also Read: 

4. Anxiety And Stress

Regular shifting of job may create stress and anxiety among the employees. It may negatively impact their working capacity and lower the performance level at the workplace.

5. Demotivate 

Highly skilled and specialist employees may feel frustrated and demotivated to perform the jobs which are done by less qualified lower level employees.

6. Not Affordable

It takes more time, more money and more effort to conduct job rotation program. It is a complex strategy which cannot be afforded by small organizations having limited resources.

Advantages Of Standardization

The main advantages of standardization can be studied as follows:

Benefits Or Advantages Of Standardization To The Customers

1. Better Quality Products

Standardization ensures uniformity and consistency of the product quality. Consumers can buy standardized products without any doubt and hesitation.

2. Using Method

Composition of product and using instructions are given by the manufacturers. So, consumers can use such products easily

3. Fixed Price

Standardized goods are properly packaged and labeled. Customers can get information about price of such products with the help of description provided. So, sellers cannot cheat buyers.

4. Buying Decision

With the help of advertisement and other sources (other buyers and users) customers can get various information (such as price, size, weight, quality, uses, durability etc.) easily. So, buyers can make buying decision without inspecting the goods.

Advantages Or Benefits Of Standardization To The Sellers And Manufacturers

1. Selling Facility

Standardized goods can be sold easily without giving any instructions or suggestions because consumers can buy those products by looking description and sample. So, sellers can sell such products easily.

2. Market Expansion

Standardization helps to attracts more customers because of uniformity and consistency in quality and price of the product. It helps to increase demand of the product. So, company can widen its market.

3. Customer Retention

It helps to increase image and goodwill of the business. Good image and goodwill promotes customer loyalty and customer retention.

4. Mass Production

It promotes mass production because of customer retention, high demand and market expansion. Mass production helps to reduce the cost of production. Manufacturers can also enjoy the benefits of economies of scale.
advantages of standardization

Benefits Or Advantages Of Standardization To The Society

1. Standard Quality Goods

Because of mass production, people can buy better quality products at reasonable price.

2. Employment Opportunity

Company should increase its production capacity because of market expansion and high demand. It should hire more employees. So, unemployed people can get job opportunity. It helps to reduce the unemployment rate in the society.

3. Better Standard Of Living

People can afford high quality products at lower price. Employment opportunity helps to increase the income of the society. So, standardization helps to improve the standard of living.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Market Segmentation

 Benefits Or Advantages Of Market Segmentation

The main advantages of market segmentation can be highlighted as follows:

1. Market Identification 

It is the process of dividing the market into different segments and grouping the potential customers on the basis of demography, psychography, geography and behavior. It helps the marketer to identify the proper market and the right group of customers.

2. Market Specialization

Market segmentation helps to understand the needs, wants and desire of the customers. Marketers try to offer suitable products and services by developing right products, right price, suitable promotional techniques and better distribution channel to satisfy targeted customers. So, it promotes market specialization.

3. Market Expansion

Market expansion is possible with the help of geographic segmentation. So, it provides an opportunity to break into new market.

4. Customer Retention

Products and services are designed as per the needs and interests of the customers. So, market segmentation leads to customers satisfaction. Satisfied customers become loyal to the company. Therefore, it promotes customer life cycle and customer retention.

5. Better Strategies

It helps the marketers to design better marketing strategies, proper utilization of resources and better allocation of budget to satisfy the needs of the market. Better marketing strategy also help to deal properly with the competitors also.

6. Suitable For

Market segmentation is suitable for small and newly established firms because they cannot compete with large companies in the entire market.

Disadvantages Of Market Segmentation

The main drawbacks or disadvantages of market segmentation can be highlighted as follows:

1. Increased Costs

It requires more efforts, time and money for research and development, promotion and distribution. Costs also increase because of different marketing strategies in different market segments. Inventory costs also increase because of larger inventory of goods. So, market segmentation increases overall costs of the company.

advantages disadvantages market segmentation

2. Wrong Selection 

It works properly if right and relevant market segments are selected . There may exist a chance of selection of wrong, irrelevant and very small segments . In such situation, company fails to identify right group of customers and cannot sell its products or services properly.

3. Change In The Market

Characteristic of market changes according to the change in the behavior, buying habit and income of the customers. Marketers may face difficulties because of these changes in the market. 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Process Costing

Merits Or Advantages Of Process Costing

The main advantages of process costing can be highlighted as follows:

1. Simple Method Of Costing

Process costing is very simple method of computing costs of each stage or process of production. Because of homogeneous products, average cost of product can be calculated easily in less time.

2. Periodic Calculation Of Cost

Cost of each process and per unit cost of finished products can be determined periodically at short intervals with less clerical and paper works. 

3. Suitability

Process costing is suitable for standardized products, large scale production, identical or homogeneous products etc.

4. Better Managerial Control

Cost and performance of each process or department can be evaluated regularly at short intervals. With the help of standard costing, management can take appropriate steps to minimize unnecessary costs and wastage. So, process costing facilitates the management for better control.

advantages disadvantages process costing

5. Flexible Method

Manufacturing firms can add or remove process as per their needs and requirements in order to control the cost of production. So, process costing facilitates flexibility in the production process.

Demerits Or Disadvantages Of Process Costing

The main disadvantages of process costing can be highlighted as follows:

1. Historical Value

This costing method uses historical or past cost data. So, it may not provide accurate cost information for better control.


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Activity Based Costing

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Job Order Costing

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standard Costing

2. Inaccuracy

There exists a chance of inaccuracy or error while estimating the cost of work in progress or finished goods because it is based on average cost.

3. Unsuitability

Process costing is not suitable for diverse products. It is suitable only for identical products.

4. Difficulty In Average Cost

It is very difficult and complex to find out average cost if the company manufactures more than one type of products.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Delegation Of Authority

Benefits Or Advantages Of Delegation Of Authority

The main advantages of delegation of authority can be studied as follows:

1. Specialization

Authorities and responsibilities are delegated as per the skills, abilities, knowledge and experience of subordinates. So, delegation of authority promotes specialization and division of work in the organization.

2. Reduce Pressure And Workload

In delegation, routine routine tasks are assigned to middle level and lower level managers. It reduces the pressure, stress and workload of top level manager. Manager get enough time to conduct other important creative and productive activities.

3. Quick Decisions

Lower level managers get the authority to make decisions which helps to improve their decision making power. They do not need to consult top managers to take decision which ensures prompt decisions at the workplace.

4. Employee Development

Delegation of authority helps to develop skills and capabilities of subordinates. It helps them to perform challenging jobs which helps to develop managerial qualities.

5. On-the-job Training

Delegation of authority is a kind of on-the-job training where subordinates can learn, improve skills and develop managerial abilities at the workplace.

6. Better Understanding

It helps to build trust and better understanding between managers and subordinates in the organization. It promotes effective communication and sense of team spirit while performing the job.

7. Expansion And Diversification

Delegation creates well-trained, dedicated and competent team of subordinates. So, it is helpful for expansion, growth and diversification of organization.

8. Suitability

Delegation of authority is suitable for large organizations with different departments, branches and units with various organizational activities.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Delegation Of Authority

The major disadvantages of delegation can be studied as follows:

1. Misunderstanding And Conflict

Because of lack of proper communication and coordination, there exists a chance of misunderstanding and conflict between managers and subordinates. It may negatively affect the performance and productivity of the firm.

2. Poor Results

It authority and responsibility is delegated to unskilled and incompetent subordinate, then the organization cannot achieve desired results because of poor performance.

3. Misuse Of Power

Another drawback of delegation is that the subordinate can misuse his.her power by taking wrong decisions for personal benefit.

4. Burden On Subordinates

Delegation of authority increases the workload and stress of subordinates. Pressure of work may lose interest and lower the motivation towards the job.
advantages and disadvantages of delegation of authority
5. Lack Of Self Confidence

Superior tries to delegate boring and not properly defined tasks to the subordinates. In most cases, very limited power is given to them which reduce the self confidence of the employees.

6. Low Quality Of Work

If authority is not delegated properly to the proper person, then the quality of work will be affected. It negatively affects productivity, goodwill and image of the business.

7. Not Suitable

Delegation of authority is not suitable for small firms with limited organizational activities.

Pros And Cons Of Delegation Of Authority In Short

- It reduces the burden of  top management
- It motivates middle and lower level managers
- It encourages specialization in the workstation
- It facilitates quick and sound decisions
- It facilitates growth and diversification
- It provides learning opportunity for subordinates

- It increases the burden of middle and lower level of management
- There is a possibility of confusion, misunderstanding and conflict because of the lack of proper communication between managers and subordinates
- It is not suitable for unskilled and incompetent employees
- It may reduce self confidence and motivation of employees if authority is not delegated properly
- It is not applicable for small organizations

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Test Check

Merits Or Advantages Of Test Check

The main advantages of test check can be highlighted as follows:

1. Reduce Work Load

It is a checking of partial records from books of accounts. It examines only certain financial transactions because it is difficult to check all financial transactions included in the books of accounts. So, it reduces work load and task of auditing can be performed quickly.

2. Saving Of Time And Labor

Checking of large volume of transactions takes more time and energy. In test checking, only selected transactions are examined which saves time and labor.

3. Cost Saving

Test check reduces the work load, time and energy. It means audit task can be completed in less time with less effort. So, it lowers the cost of audit.

4. Suitable For Big Firms

It is suitable for big business houses with large volume of financial transactions because it is very difficult to test each and every transactions.

     Also Read: 

5. Accuracy And Reliability

Sample transactions are selected very carefully and intelligently with special attention. So, it ensures accuracy and reliability of checking of records.

Demerits Or Disadvantages Of Test Check

The main disadvantages of test check can be highlighted as follows:

1. Chance Of Errors

In test checking, financial transactions are examined on random basis. So, there exists a high chance of frauds and errors undetected in the books of accounts.
advantages and disadvantages of test check
2. Not Suitable For Small Companies

Test check is not suitable for small business firms with less numbers of financial transactions.

3. Internal Check And Internal Control

If there is no strict internal check and internal control system in the organization, it is not possible to conduct internal check because it may report false data.

4. Doubtful And Suspicious

Audit report is prepared on the basis of few sample transactions examined by internal check. So, it is always doubtful and suspicious for auditor.

Pros And Cons Of Test Checking In Short

- It minimizes time, effort and cost of audit
- It is suitable for big business firms having large volume of financial transactions of similar types
- It reduces the workload of both accounting staff of the company and the auditor

- It is not applicable for small business firms having less volume of transactions
-  Auditor may fail to detect errors, frauds and loopholes because he/she does not examine all transactions
- Test check cannot be conducted if there is no proper internal check system in the company

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Routine Checking

Benefits Or Advantages Of Routine Checking

The main advantages of routing checking can be described as follows:

1. Detection Of Errors

Routine checking involves the examination of debit and credit totals, ledger postings and account balances. Books of accounts are carefully checked so that errors and frauds can be easily located.

2. Arithmetical Accuracy

As we know that it discovers errors and frauds in the books of accounts, it helps to correct mistakes quickly and maintain records up-to-date. So, routine checking ensures arithmetical accuracy of financial records.

3. Basis For Final Audit

All the records and books of accounts are already examined which saves time and labor of auditor while conducting final audit. So, it is a basis for final audit.

4. Simple And Easy

It is a very simple task that can be carried out by a staff having the knowledge of simple accounting rules. So, it is very easy to conduct routine checking job.

   Also Read: 

5. Internal Control

Routine checking is a regular process that shows recording of transactions and operational efficiency of the firm. So, it helps the management for internal control.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Routine Checking

The main disadvantages of routine checking can be described as follows:

1. Planned Errors

It discovers only some small and unplanned errors occurred in the books of accounts. Planned errors and frauds cannot be disclosed by routine checking. It is very difficult to locate errors of principle and compensating errors by conducting routine checking. 

2. Not Useful For All Business

It is not useful for those firms which apply self-balancing system. Routine checking is not appropriate for small firms with limited number of transactions.

3. Not Reliable

It is carried out by junior staff. There is a chance of carelessness at work. So, its result may not be reliable.

4. Monotonous

It is time consuming and monotonous process. Accounting staff may get bored and lose interest in his/her job.
advantages disadvantages routine checking
Pros And Cons Of Routine Checking In Short

- It ensures arithmetical accuracy of records in original entries
- It helps to discover errors and frauds in the books of account
- It is helpful for conducting final audit
- It requires less cost, time and effort to conduct routine checking

- It cannot discover planned errors and frauds
- It is boring and monotonous process
- It is not suitable for small business firms having limited volume of financial activities

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Monopoly

Benefits Or Advantages Of Monopoly

The main advantages of monopoly can be described as follows:

1. Supernormal Profit

In monopoly, there is only one supplier for the entire market. Company can set selling price of goods freely as per wish. Therefore, monopolies can make supernormal profit.

2. Economies Of Large Scale

Only one company sells products to the large number of customers. Because of large volume of production and less cost of production firm enjoys the benefit of economies of large scale.

3. Government Revenue

Companies earns massive amount of profit because of monopoly. So, government can collect more tax from them. So, monopolies are good source of government revenue.

4. Price Discrimination

Price discrimination is another benefit of monopoly. Company may use this policy to benefit economically backward customers. For example, electricity authority may provide discount to poor families.

5. Research And Development

Company makes massive profit because of lack of competition in the market. So, it can invest huge amount of money for research and development activities. It helps to improve product quality and also minimizes the cost of production.

      Also Read: 

6. Promotes Innovation

Because of huge investment in research and development, monopoly promotes innovation also.

7. Face Depression

Because of being single supplier of goods and services, economic crisis like depression does not affect monopolies or company can face depression easily.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Monopoly

The main disadvantages of monopoly can be described as follows:

1. Customer Exploitation

Single seller has absolute power of setting price and supplying goods in the whole market. It may sell low quality products at higher price. So, there exists a chance of exploitation of customers in monopoly market.

2. Poor Service

Being a single trader, company may focus only on earning more profit rather than providing good service to the customers. Because of no customer sovereignty, consumers may not get quality products and proper service.

3. No Choice

Customers have no choice because there is only one supplier for whole market.

4. Higher Price

Monopoly lacks competition because there is one supplier for all customers. So, company may charge higher price for low quality products. 

5. Unfair Practice

Monopoly restricts others to enter the market. New firms cannot sell their products in this market structure. So, it is an unfair trade practice.
advantages disadvantages of monopoly
Pros And Cons Of Monopoly In Short


- Business Firms can earn massive profit
- Companies enjoy economies of scale because of large volume of production
- Requires less marketing and promotion costs
- It encourages innovation, research and development
- Government can collect more tax from monopoly firms


- Customers have to pay higher price for inferior products due to the lack of competition
- It lacks customer sovereignty
- Because of single supplier, there is no alternatives for customers
- It may increase customer dissatisfaction

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Monopolistic Competition

Benefits Or Advantages Of Monopolistic Competition

The main advantages of monopolistic competition can be described as follows:

1. Easy To Enter And Exit

The main benefit of monopolistic competition market structure is that new firm can enter the market without any barriers. Traders can exit or leave the market at any time without any restrictions and obstacles.

2. Product Differentiation

In this type of market, products are differentiated or varieties of products are available. So, it provides selection facility for buyers.

3. Advertising

In monopolistic market, products are identical or homogeneous like in perfect competition. So, firms advertise their products through different media which helps to provide information about quality, price and using methods to the customers.

4. More Profit

Companies are free to set price of their products. So, they can set higher price of goods and services which generates more profit.

    Also Read: 

5. Better Quality

Because of the ability to fix price and chance of more revenue, companies try to improve product quality. It helps to retain existing customers and attract potential customers.

6. Innovation

Monopolistic competition encourages innovation. Companies regularly perform research and development activities to add new features to their products which helps to increase quality and value.

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of Monopolistic Competition

The main disadvantages of monopolistic competition can be described as follows:

1. Higher Price

In this type of market, product price is higher than perfect competition because of the following reasons:
* Firm can set price itself
* Firm invests huge amount of money in advertisement and other promotional activities
* Wastage of resources such as excess packaging, marketing etc. 

So, customers have to pay more money in monopolistic market.

2. Misleading Customers

Various promotional activities are conducted to provide information about the products and services. Sometimes wrong information can mislead the customers.
advantages disadvantages monopolistic competition
3. No Economies Of Scale

Because of larger number of traders, all companies cannot enjoy the benefit of economies of scale.

Pros And Cons Of Monopolistic Competition In Short


- Customers get selection facility because of different alternatives
- Companies can easily enter or exit the market because of less barriers
- Customers get detail information about the products or services
- It promotes innovation
- Because of competition customer get quality products at lower price


- Price of the product may become high because of high marketing budget
- There is no economies of scale
- False information about products may mislead customers

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Perfect Competition

Merits Or Advantages Of Perfect Competition

The main benefits or advantages of perfect competition can be described as follows:

1. Easy Entry And Exit

In perfect competition, business firms or traders can enter the market and start business without any restrictions. They can exit or leave the market at any time without any obstacles. So, there is no entry and exit barriers in this type of market structure.

2. Lower Price

In this type of market, price of product or service is fixed by demand and supply mechanism. If any trader charges higher price then customers are free to buy products from another shop. So, consumers can fulfill their requirements at lower price.

3. No Consumer Exploitation

Due to competition, customers can get standardized products at affordable price because sellers cannot influence the market. Therefore, perfect competition discourages consumer exploitation.

4. Less Promotional Cost

As we know that this market structure deals with homogeneous products and price is fixed by the market mechanism, producers do not need to invest huge amount in advertisement, publicity and other promotional activities.

5. Optimum Utilization Of Resources

Because of lower price, firms earn less profit. Therefore they try to increase efficiency and minimize wastage by utilizing resources properly which helps to lower the cost of production.

Demerits Or Disadvantages Of Perfect Competition

The main drawbacks or disadvantages of perfect competition can be described as follows:

1. Less Profit

It is very difficult for small traders to sustain in the market because of the lack of incentive and lower profit margin.

    Also Read: 

2. Limited Choice

This market deals with identical or homogeneous products and services. Therefore there is a limited choice for customers. Because of the lack of variety, customers have no selection facility.

3. No Economies Of Scale

There are various firms trading similar types of products. So, business firms cannot enjoy the benefit of economies of large scale. 
advantages disadvantages of perfect competition
Pros And Cons Of Perfect Competition In Short

- It discourages customer exploitation
- It creates active business environment
- There are no restrictions to enter or exit the market
- Customers get high quality products at reasonable price
- Producers focus on maximum utilization of resources to improve efficiency
- It requires less advertising and publicity budget

- It is difficult for small traders to sustain because of high competition
- It lacks product differentiation
- Firms cannot enjoy the benefit of economies of scale
- In this market, profit margin is very low. So producers cannot make sufficient investment for research and development purpose.
- Customers get limited choice